Sunday, February 22, 2009

Grain Surfboard Construction Part 15

Yesterday, the south wind was kicking and we had a front on the way... The buoys were at about 5 foot, so it was time to go get wet in preparation for laminating / hot coating the deck after the front passed. :)

As with the bottom, the deck also needed to have a laminate coat applied and a hot coat applied a few hours later. A friend of mine gave me some good advice on laminating - in particular the rails. He said to take a brush and spread a little epoxy down on the curved part of the rail underneath the fiberglass before actually placing the fiberglass down. After that, apply the laminate coat as usual. This was much more messy, but the rails laminated with much greater ease.

Here are the pics after the laminate coat:
1) From tail:

2) From side:

3) From nose:

Here are the pictures after the hot coat:
1) From tail:

2) From side:

3) From nose:

The board is really getting close at this point. The next steps are to sand it all down and put one more coat of epoxy on as the gloss coat. Then sand that down and put several layers of varnish on to protect the epoxy and add a little nicer finish. After that, I need to put in a leash loop through the fin box and install the vent plug. Finally, I need to wait until SPI gets some good solid surf to go spend a weekend getting acquainted with the new board. And see if I can get some action photos... :D :D :D


  1. It looks awesome Bobby - good job, M&D

  2. man that is so cool! excellent documentation too, so neat to see all the pics in order. it's looking like a work of art.

  3. The pics don't do it justice. It is really gorgeous! :)

  4. amazing what you can do with a cedar tree, and a herring!
