Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Grain Surfboard Construction Part 2

The next part of the construction is a very critical one. It is to glue the frame of the board to the bottom decking. This requires everything to be perfectly square and straight.

In the previous post, there was a lot about creating the frame and the rocker board, etc. This is where it comes together.

So, I am at work today when Stinky asks me about the blog address. I send him the link and he responds "what part are you doing tonight?". I say oh, I am going to glue the bottom to the frame. He offers to come over and help.

This turns out to be the best thing that could have happened. To do this part alone would be very difficult...

So, Stinky and I went to town measuring, marking and generally planning the glue down.

Finally, we make our move:

The net result is that the frame was glued to the bottom planks and is straight and true. Also, there was an agreement on the fact that there is some good Zen in the art of surfboard making. Good stuff.

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