Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Grain Surfboard Construction Part 16

The past few days have been a series of Epoxy - Sand - Epoxy - Sand, etc...

Now I am on to the varnish stage. So... Sand - Varnish - Sand Varnish...

Sanded finish (this is the sanded hot coat before the gloss coat):

Gloss coat - notice the reflection on the wall:

Tonight, I did the first coat of varnish on the bottom. The process was to sand the bottom with 120 grit sandpaper to scratch the whole surface and also sand down the rail lap from the gloss coat. Then apply a coat of varnish.

Tomorrow, I will do the deck of the board with 120 grit sand down and the first coat of varnish... It is very very glossy with the wet varnish right now. :D

1 comment:

  1. I've seen it, I've touched it, I drooled on it (almost) :)
